Friday, November 19, 2010

Happening in a blink

"It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash, it happens in the time it took to look back. I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time, what is it I've done with my life? I happens in a blink."

"Blink," by Revive.

Sorry guys. I've been less than faithful at keeping up to date with my blog. But as you may have guessed from the title, my days feel more like a blink than an actual day to get things done. So here's the general run down.

Adoption: my parents are on their way  to EE for trip numero uno. While I'll be posting the big stuff (new pics, videos, etc.) If you want the day-to day, head on over to and follow my two parents as they venture through the great unkown of Eastern Europe. I'm MEGA excited. This means I get to get some new pictures, get ready to travel myself, and most importantly, get one step closer to bringing Jenny home.

Photography: My Grandpa (who came up from Florida with my Grandma to watch us) decided he wanted to support my "artistic expression" and ordered me a DSLR I was looking at. On one hand, I'm obviously pumped to get that package in the mail soon. On the other hand, though. It really took me by surprise. I still haven't fully believed it yet.

These are two major events for me. God has provided a safe trip(so far) for my parents over to Eastern Europe, we're closer to being a complete family, and I can advance my photography skills a little with a new camera. I'm really excited. But on the other hand, I'll be more than ready for reality to set back in soon. I think in the excitement, we can sometimes lose focus. In crazy times, I really should pray more than I usually do, but I don't. I lose focus because of the craziness. God has blessed me with all of these things, hasn't he?

So in the end, I've realized I can't let my life slip through my fingers. I want to live every moment in slo-mo and enjoy them while they last, because they won't be there forever.

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