Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Ah, Bloggery. Is that even an actual compute world term? Ah, who cares, I'm coining it now: Bloggery- the art of producing, running, and writing a blog (As well as keeping it fresh and relevant). Over the past couple months, I hope I've given you a look into my little world and who I am as a person. But so far, I haven't exactly given the story behind the whole shebang.. so here it is!

Believe it or not, there was a time wen I new naught of the blogosphere. Gasp! I knew what a blog was, but how exactly you started one or what you wrote on it was beyond me. Then when we were in the adoption process for Addisu, a little blurb popped up on our agency's website asking everyone to pray for a family who had adopted an older Ethiopian girl. This girl's adoptive little sister, Abby (from Guatemala) was diagnosed with Leukemia at 3 years old. And that brought my Mom into the Blogosphere- and hence the rest of the family with her. Slowly it went form Cancer Blogs to adoption blogs into adoption form all different countries. Shortly before we entered the process for Jenny, we set up an orphan ministry blog called hope4everychild.blogspot.com. Before that, it had been my Mom's interest mainly. But at this point, the blogosphere was a little bit more  influential in my Family's life. I had met a friend through her family's adoption blog my Mom had found, and my Dad was running his own little site (tomlspot.blogspot.com). At that point, my Dad was seeing the benefits of having a blog: being more private than Facebook, it still gave you a place to share your thoughts, photos and videos without having to friend anyone or worry about getting a recommended as a friend to other people. All of the other kids jumped at it instantly. I took a sec to think about it. was it really that worth it? Did I have something worth saying? I decided to give it a shot, fueled by the fact that I'd have my family members making their maiden voyages in the blog world as well.

And that brings us to today! I feel blessed to have the followers  I do, and to know that at some point, someday, my blog may affect some one's life in a positive and uplifting way. I look at my blog not only as a place to post my thoughts and experiences, but a place to spread God's love  and messages around. There are so few popular blogs that I've seen that demonstrate any kind of decency. One blog I saw that had some 1500+ followers basically carried the message of "this is my life and I'm not drunk if I act crazy." (???) Regardless of how popular I get, I figure it's better to reach those I can than worry about who's got  the most comments or followers for that day.

In terms of what I read/who I follow, the list is a little farther down the page. My entire family is on there. Check 'em all out if you haven't already!

We also have Miss Jodi (Artoma/Hunter from Reece's Rainbow's mom). If you want a good laugh or adoption from Ukraine stories, head on over there (and don't be worried if you don't get the Llama joke between her and her buddy Kristin. It's a blog mom thing :D)

We also have the Spitz family. Our moms have gotten to know each other really well and I admire them so much. They have been through the wringer multiple times in their process, and I extremely admire the endurance and persistence. Can't wait to meet 'em, here or Eastern Europe!

Next we have the Nalles. This family has certainly redefined paving the way for adoption, and their sweet little Aaron is so dang Cute!  I suggest you get over there right now and look at the pictures of "little boy who likes to burn things in big bonfire" :) Absolutely adorable.

Last but certainly not least are the Hook family. I pray every day that their sweet little Evan will be home soon in their arms. They have waited more than their fair share of tiem to get her home.

So there you go! My blogging persona nad how I got there are all out on the table. Read and enjoy!


  1. Hi Caleb!!! Great Blog!!! Thank you for praying for us - we appreciate it so MUCH!!! I love the music on your blog!!! I can't wait to meet you guys!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Mrs. Spitz! Same here! It'll be nice to have great friends like you guys who appreciate special needs adoption and actually live in NY :D!
